How do we work?
Governance relies on a board who undertakes decisions, and Committees who produce work and deliverables.
The Executive Board
It is composed of Executive Members and represented by its highest level sponsors. The Executive Board has the broadest powers to act in all circumstances on behalf of the Association, among others:
- Determine strategic and financial guidelines of the Association
- Rule on the appointment requests for admission of new Executive members
- Validate final Deliverables
- Create, dissolve, change name, purpose or attribution of Working Groups
Strategic Committee
It is composed of Executive Members, Working Group Chairs and Experts.
Strategic Committee is a subsidiary of the Executive Board. Its main responsibilities are to develop and submit Wize Alliance strategy to Executive Board at both an organizational and technical level; develop and maintain long-range and annual strategic plans.
Working groups
Each Working Group is led by a chair nominated by the Executive Board from among the Executive members and Active members.
- Each Working Group is autonomous in its organization and must report its activities to the Strategic Committee.
- Working Groups have to carry out the tasks entrusted to them by the Executive Board and can advise Executive Board in their area of expertise.
- Working Group Chairs develop an annual action plan, which establishes purpose, objectives and priority areas of work
- Working Groups produce, contribute, and submit Deliverables for final approval by the Executive Board